What is living water?
Living water is natural water. In natural water the information contents of the cluster structures are in such a way that is especially supporting for the health and vitality of humans, animals and plants (e.g. high quality spring water with a hexagonal pattern of the water crystals). Natural and clean water passes on its information content when drinking or when in contact with the skin: natural, healthy, and vital.

Better Heating Water
Process water and heating circuits with Aqua-Vitalizer
The revitalization with our Aqua-Vitalizer devices in water cycles offers the following advantages
+ longer durability of water in the circulation system
+ Change of surface tension, I. e. better absorption of substances
+ Energy saving with regard to heat transfer by avoiding and/or reducing deposits on the inner wall of pipes
Our recommendation: Aqua-Vitalizer Type B

Clean Sewage Water
Sewages with Aqua-Vitalizer
The revitalization with our Aqua-Vitalizer devices in water cycles offers the following advantages
+ longer durability of water in the circulation system
+ Change of surface tension, i. e. better absorption of substances
+ Energy saving with regard to heat transfer by avoiding and/or reducing deposits on the inner wall of pipes
Our recommendation: Aqua-Vitalizer Type B